


出国留学有很多好处,无论是学术上的还是个人的. 在学术层面上, you will become a more well-rounded student by taking courses not offered on campus or those similar to on-campus courses with a different academic context. 你也可以发展新的智力追求, 提高你的外语和英语沟通能力, 或者开始一门新的语言. 你会变得更加自立和足智多谋, 结交新朋友, 了解你的传统或对你的身份获得新的视角, 钻研当地艺术, 文化, 菜, 和体育. You will also make your resume more attractive to future employers because you will improve your interpersonal skills, 你甚至可以获得国际实习或志愿者经验.



Most programs require students to have at least sophomore standing upon commencement of the program; some programs require junior status. 转移 students may study overseas upon completion of two semesters 在欧文的康考迪亚大学. 大多数课程都有学期和一年的学习, 但有些课程只在春季开放,或者需要参加一整年. Think about your degree plan and speak to your advisor when deciding what would be the best time for you.


我可以出国一个学期以上吗? 有最大值吗??

是的! 许多学生选择了这个选项. Some go to the same program for a full year to really immerse themselves deeply in their host country's 文化. 其他人去两个不同的地方有两种不同的体验. While we encourage students to decide whether they want to go for a semester or year when they apply, 大多数项目允许你申请一个学期,如果你想留下来,可以延长. 你可以通过我们办公室的项目在国外学习最多两个学期.



No. While there are some programs that are only open to certain majors and some that require you to take courses for major credit, 如果你愿意,你可以出国修选修课.



Applications are due the semester prior to studying and are available at the 出国留学 Office at the beginning of the semester in which they are due. 对于一些项目, 申请以滚动方式接受,可以在截止日期之前提交. 在所有其他程序中, applications will not be processed until after the deadline and early submission will not affect the chances of admission.



是的,但前提是其中一个项目有竞争力. 如果你不能在几个节目中做出选择, 留学办公室很乐意与您会面,帮助您缩小选择范围.



Approval for participation in one of 欧文康考迪亚大学’s study abroad programs or exchange programs is a two-step process. Most programs require both a 欧文康考迪亚大学 application and a secondary program-specific application. 所有申请人都将由留学办公室审查, 如果得到批准, 他们的申请被发送到各自的留学项目. 选择的标准因项目而异. Being accepted by the 出国留学 Office does not guarantee acceptance to a program and the competitiveness of some programs may vary depending on the number of applicants from colleges outside of 欧文康考迪亚大学.



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Some programs are more competitive than others, due to higher GPA requirements or enrollment limits. 虽然很少有学生不能参加自己选择的课程, 我们建议申请竞争项目的学生也选择一份备用材料.




No, a student needs to be in good academic standing and not on probation to study abroad through the 出国留学 Office. 由于学术严谨,一些专业的GPA要求更高.



No. 所有课程对所有学生开放,无论专业如何,但以下例外:

  • ESELSCA – Dual Degree Program – you are able to study in Paris for a semester without getting the dual degree


No. 留学办公室管理一些没有语言要求的项目. 此外,许多其他课程的语言要求少则两个学期. 请与个别项目核实有关具体要求的信息.



Two semesters of college-level language is equivalent to having completed the second-semester course in that language. You can also meet this requirement by taking the placement test and placing out of the second semester.




The 出国留学 Office has a list of some approved 欧文康考迪亚大学 equivalents for some courses offered on some study abroad programs. 这绝不是一个详尽的清单. Students may look at the online course catalog for their chosen program and ask their academic advisor whether major/minor credit will be granted for individual courses. 许多院系都有预先批准的课程清单. 如果你想上的课程没有被预先批准, 你的指导老师可能会要求你提供教学大纲或课程描述来评估课程内容. Syllabi and course descriptions can often be found online; if you cannot find them contact the 出国留学 Office.



通常. All courses taken through a 出国留学 Office program that are in an undergraduate area of study offered 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 will be granted 欧文康考迪亚大学 credit and will count toward the 64-unit residency requirement. Examples of courses that would not be granted 欧文康考迪亚大学 credit would be Global Tourism or Gaming Industry Management, 康考迪亚大学欧文分校不提供哪些学习领域.



是的,对一些课程来说,只要它是预先批准的. 在这个时候,CORE不能被带到国外.




No. 有些项目是与其他大学或组织合作开展的, 可能还有团体航班. 许多课程在学期中提供预先安排交通的短途旅行.



所有出国留学的学生都必须持有护照, 哪些课程在课程结束后至少六个月内有效. 在离开美国之前.S.,你还需要从你的东道国领事馆获得学生签证. 每个国家的签证程序都不一样, 处理时间短则一天,长则三个月. 请注意,大多数领事馆在办理签证时都会保留你的护照, 所以你将不能在美国境外旅行.S. 在那段时间里. 国际 students should keep in mind that visa procedures may differ from those of their U.S.公民同行. 一旦你决定了目的地, look at the country's consular website and familiarize yourself with student visa requirements.



不同项目的生活安排各不相同. 住宿选择包括宿舍(带食堂或烹饪设施), 家庭旅馆, 和其他美国人住在一起, 本地居民, 或其他外国留学生).


成本 & 金融援助


是的! 许多学生担心出国留学费用太高. 但也有针对各种预算的项目. 关键是要灵活选择留学地点. If you would like to find out estimated program costs, please see the Programs pages on this website.



是的. 康考迪亚大学欧文分校的经济援助包括贷款, 奖助金, and scholarships (excluding athletic or program scholarships) are applicable to 欧文康考迪亚大学-sponsored overseas studies programs and exchanges. 考虑到特定项目的成本,财政援助计划将被重新评估, 助学金也会根据修改后的入学成本进行调整.


In cases where the semester overseas is projected to be less expensive than an on-campus semester, the estimated family contribution (EFC) will be maintained and the aid package will be reduced. 如果一个项目计划超过一个校园学期, the student and family may be eligible for additional loans in the amount of the price differential.

有奖学金吗? 在国外工作怎么样??

奖学金适用于某些海外项目. Detailed financial aid and scholarship information is available on the 出国留学 Office general information section on the web page under 成本. 一般, there are many more scholarships available for study abroad in non-Western or developing countries. 在欧洲和澳大利亚学习的奖学金是相当有限的. 学生可以在美国做兼职.K. 只在澳大利亚.




The 出国留学 Office will have a list of students who have studied previously in 欧文康考迪亚大学 programs who can be contacted.


Schedule an appointment to learn about our study abroad programs and discuss your interest, 与月球国际中心助理主任讨论选择和问题.


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